A woman was deaf, so deaf that she couldn't hear anything. Every morning she carried her child on her back and went to her farm. She had a huge peanut farm.
One morning while she was there, quietly working, a gentleman arrived. A gentleman so deaf that he couldn’t hear anything. And this gentleman was looking for his sheep.
He said to the lady: Ma'am, I am looking for my sheep, their tracks have led me to your farm. Could you help me find them? It's easy to recognize them as one of them is injured. If you help me find my sheep, I will give you the injured one.
But she heard nothing. She turned around to tell him: This is the limit of my farm. Beyond this line is someone else's farm.
The gentleman followed the direction indicated by the lady and surprisingly he found his sheep quietly grazing behind a bush. Very happy he gathered them together and went to give the lady the injured sheep. But having heard nothing, she thought that this gentleman was accusing her of having injured his sheep.
So she got angry and said: Sir, I did not hurt your sheep. Go accuse whoever you want but not me.
The gentleman, seeing the woman angry, thought she did not want this sheep but she wanted a bigger sheep.
In turn, he got angry and said: Ma'am, it’s this sheep that I promised you. There is no way I give you a bigger one.
They both got angry, so angry that they ended up bringing the issue to court.
The court in this Africa of a long time ago took place in a small village, in the shade of a large tree, the palaver tree most often a baobab. And the judge, who at the same time the chief of the village, was there, surrounded by all his assistants.
The lady and the gentleman arrived at the court.
The lady was the first to speak: This gentleman found me on my farm and asked me where my farm ends. I showed him and got back to work. He left and a few moments later he returned with an injured sheep, accusing me of having injured it. But I swear that I've never seen any sheep. This is why we are here, Mr. Judge.
Next, It was the gentleman’s turn.
He said: I was looking for my sheep, and their tracks led me to this lady’s farm. I told her that if she helped me find my sheep I would give her one of them but I clearly specified the injured sheep. She showed me my sheep. I was happy and as I promised, I gave her the injured sheep. She got angry and wanted a bigger sheep. Do you think I'm going to give her the biggest of my sheep just a few days away from the sheep festival?
The judge stood up. He was as deaf as a stone. And when he saw a child on the lady's back, he thought it was just a small domestic issue.
Then he said to the gentleman: Sir. This child is your child. Look at how he looks like you. It seems to me that you are a bad husband. And you, ma'am, for small problems like this, there's no point in coming all the way here to flaunt it in front of everyone. Go home! I hope you reconcile.
Having heard this judgment, everyone burst out laughing.
The laughter contaminates the judge, the lady, and the gentleman. They burst out laughing even though they understood nothing.
At this point, the question is: which one of the three is the most deaf?
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